Take Advantage Of Money Making Apps – Read These 8 Tips

The first day I went out was a bit confusing only because I didn’t go and read the Q&A on their website. My advice read EVERYTHING before you go out to your gig. It will save you so much time if you know what to do when something is missing or whatever. I also love that I’m kid with 15-20min after I’ve completed the gig money making apps. It’s in my PayPal account in minutes! It’s great! 🙂

Money making ideas by mobile android or iOS for beginners

“I recently found out about this app, when someone mentioned it in a forum. I have  successfully completed all  of my assignments, and I have been paid the same day, via PayPal, and not long after submitting my assignment(s). Their instructions are crystal clear, and their app is a very easy to use.

I have successfully completed over 40 jobs since signing up with this app almost 2 years ago. I really enjoy their straightforward directions, and their fast payment(s). I am wishing this app much success, and I am looking forward to doing more assignments for them. And Happy New Year to everyone at Observa!!!

With everything being said, having a two hours window from the time you accept the job, to completion in some cases, depending on the job, and when you arrive, is not always enough time, especially depending on the work that is involved. Please remember that sometimes haste makes waste.  I personally do not like to rush.  At times, I may want to accept the job, but don’t, because of your time factor.  With you having a two hour window, that will also limit the number of jobs that I can accept and complete for you. 

When you really like an app like yours, I sometimes might like to accept at least two “nearby” jobs, but I would certainly need more time. I hope that in the near future you will consider having at least a four hour window. I do not know of many  opportunities like yours, that involves Mystery Shopping, Merchandising, and Audits that has a two hour window, and there’s a reason for that too. I learned something today, when I forgot I only had two hours once accepted, and  the job was the longest one that  I had ever done, for you.  

And with all the photos, etc., that were required, and in a  large and very busy store, I ran out of time, because I did not give myself enough time online money earning app.  I am glad that I was still able to complete the job, and I did enjoy the merchandising assignment.”

A few weeks ago there were so many tasks in my area but as it so happened, everyone in my household was sick with something or another during these few weeks and naturally, we chose to stay away from public areas to avoid spreading our sickness. And now that we are well, there aren’t any opportunities! Supper bummed but I’m hopeful and keeping my fingers crossed hard for more companies to have a need in my area to use Observa very very soon!!